Monday, November 30, 2015

Weekend Recap (11/27/15-11/29/15)

I noticed I didn't do a weekend recap for last week. I think I either forgot about it or it was uneventful.

Friday (11/27):

  • BLACK FRIDAY. I had to come into work early to take pics and video. I found out not-so-good news about the sales.
  • I ordered a Samsung SSD for my computer. Vince installed it and unfortunately, it got messed up. We had to return it so that we can get another free replacement from Amazon.
  • Played Overwatch for a bit and went to sleep while Vince stayed up.

Saturday (11/28):

  • Went to Vince's parent's place for a late lunch.
  • Hanged out at Joel and Pam's place. We played with the kiddies and watched "Gremlins 2."

Sunday (11/29):

  • Went to Target, Pet Smart then Town Square. Ate at Claim Jumpers for lunch. Walked around Fry'sand I found the last Mewtwo Amiibo.
  • Finished "Jessica Jones." God damn that was a great show.
  • Watched the ending of ROH
  • I am SOOOOOO looking forward to RAW and Smackdown for the next 2 weeks until the TLC PPV. I'm getting more annoyed with how they're blatantly pushing Reigns as both this Superman and Underdog. I keep reminding myself to not hate Reigns, just hate creative and booking for pushing ONE GUY instead of building up the other talents since more of their guys (i.e. Rollins, Orton, and recently Cesaro) are out.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

"Nothing happened": Monday Night RAW (11/24/15)

Coming off from an extremely disappointing Survivor Series PPV, I opted not to watch RAW live (I watched the livestream 3 hours earlier) and just read the results online. I didn't even do my usual thing and let the TV run in the background until Dean Ambrose showed up, which just happened to be the second to the last match in the third hour before the main event. The only time I tuned in to watch RAW live was just for New Day segment. Then Vince and I went back to watching Supergirl. RAW was so unbearable that we actually watched something on PBS.

Why did we skip RAW? It's because Survivor Series, which should've been THE night to push new stars from the midcard and do something refreshingly different, came up short and WWE went with the safe route. Dirtsheets reported that it was a last-minute decision to have Sheamus cash in because they were afraid the fans were going to boo Reigns as a champ, which they still did after he lost the title. 

Unfortunately, WWE's dumb plan worked because the crowd last night was booing at Sheamus and cheering for Reigns. Reigns used his rematch clause to get his title back, which The Authority refused and said it'll have to wait til TLC in December. So that means Reigns will be chasing after transitional champ Sheamus for the next 3 weeks. "Make Roman Look Strong" is in full fucking effect.

Instead of me summarizing or giving my thoughts on the random matches, I'll just link reviews from the other websites that also reviewed RAW with some choice quotes.
From RollingStone
After a rash of injuries, last-minute re-bookings, a tournament and a recent U.K. tour, you can't blame WWE creative for needing a break – that doesn't mean you have to like it, though. 
From AV Club:  
After generating some good will during the build to Survivor Series, WWE has seemingly squandered absolutely all of it with six hours of uninventive, frustrating, straight up terrible programming. 
From F4W:  
There's little hope for this company to build a new star if they keep going back to 1999 in order to find big matches. With HHH as the de facto top heel, that makes Sheamus look like his understudy. In other words, they learned nothing from how poorly Rollins was booked. 
From ProWrestling
WWE is in a really bad place right now. Forget Sheamus as champion since he's likely just a transitional guy. The overall roster is just a mess with so few wrestlers that fans seem to truly care about, and Vince McMahon apparently thinking bad comedy and dream sequence product placement spots are acceptable.
WWE should be in full-on panic mode. Their TV ratings for RAW keep fluctuating from acceptable to historically low. More of their superstars are getting injured while a few who were injured several months ago are making their return. They have all these talents that they're putting on the sidelines because they're trying to push THAT ONE GUY. And somehow 3 hours on their A show and 2 hours on their B show isn't enough time for them to do that on a weekly bases.

At least Ambrose is gunning after Owens for the IC title, so that's not so bad.

Monday, November 23, 2015

WWE Survivor Series 2015 PPV

This was not a good PPV. My hand hurts from angrily punching the couch. WWE kept touting that change was coming in the form of a new Champion. We certainly got a new Champion last night but only because it was telegraphed and predictable, much like the rest of the card. This was a chance to not only have a new Champion but to just do something completely new and different in the absence of Rollins, Orton, and Cena. And they went with the safest route possible.

Here are the match results:
  • Roman Reigns defeated Alberto Del Rio
  • Dean Ambrose defeated Kevin Owens
  • Ryback, The Lucha Dragons, and The Usos defeated The New Day, Sheamus and King Barrett
  • Charlotte defeated Paige
  • Tyler Breeze defeated Dolph Ziggler
  • The Brothers of Destruction defeated The Wyatt Family
  • Roman Reigns defated Dean Ambrose
  • Sheamus defeated Roman Reigns

I'll be honest, the only matches I cared about were the WHC tournament finals. Everyone knew that Reigns was going to win over Del Rio. While Owens advancing would've given a true heel vs face match, it was also obvious that Ambrose was going to advance. The main event for this whole PPV lasted under 10 minutes. 10 FREAKING MINUTES. The match ended abruptly with Reigns winning the title, which left the audience stunned and they were gearing up for Ambrose or Reigns to turn heel. Instead, Ambrose shared a touching moment with his brother and left the ring to let his brother have his moment as confetti and streamers rained on Reigns. HHH, being in best for business mode, went out to congratulate him. Reigns responded by spearing HHH. And then Sheamus runs in to cash in and brogue kicks him. Their match lasted under 40 seconds.

You know what else was infuriating? The whole tournament was essentially pointless. It was obvious that Reigns was going to win but it was also obvious that he was going to get booed too. WWE probably saw how this wasn't going to work out (again) and made the decision for Sheamus to cash in, so the fans can boo him instead. When Survivor Series went off the air, they cut back to Reigns being tearful in the ring and walking back slowly up the ramp. The arena was booing him. The fans are booing WWE's top babyface. That is a big fucking sign that Reigns has to change his character. We are seeing a repeat of Daniel Bryan's "YES" movement but they are putting Reigns in the underdog role instead of Ambrose, the true underdog in all of this mess.

Speaking of which, Ambrose was very different tonight. The backstage segments showed Ambrose being serious, even pissed, as they were nearing the main event. Hell, Ambrose didn't even change shirts and fought against Reigns with his torn tanktop. He was acting heelish, which seemed like a dead giveaway that he really did accept HHH's offer. But that whole attitude change disappeared when Ambrose fist bumped Reigns and left the ring. The last 2 weeks showed a more focused Ambrose who opted for technical moves instead of his wild brawler style. It would be a shame to see him go back to that or worse, go back to being Reigns' buddy again. 

I'm unsure if I want to watch RAW live tonight. Do I want to see The Authority and Sheamus do an opening monologue? Do I want to see Reigns come down and do another recap of what happened to him last night? I can't imagine how to even feel invested in any of the matches going forward unless they continue with Ambrose going after Owens for the IC title. The next PPV is TLC for December and it's already shaping up to have Reigns going after Sheamus for the WHC title. Nothing really changed last night, so I don't expect RAW to be any different.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Nobody wants Ambrose to turn heel?

Here we go again.

It's already known that Reigns and Ambrose would make it to the finals this Sunday. Ambrose made it clear that if it came down to just the 2 of them, even though they're brothers, it's on. To which Reigns replied, "We'll always be brothers. BELEE DAT!" Their budding friendship, where Reigns was Ambrose's cheerleader for the PPV's he headlined and vice versa for the last several months, is begging to come to an end. Basically, no one expects their match to end on friendly terms. Someone's turning heel.

And here's WWE dilemma: They need a new champion, a new top babyface, and a new top heel since John Cena and Rollins, respectively, are out. All of this pressure falls on the current top babyfaces, Reigns and Ambrose. They just can't decide who should play which role.

Reigns needs the heel turn, badly. It's the natural progression for his character who keeps overcoming the odds (ugh) and never gets close to winning the title. Joining The Authority works for him, especially since the fans are now turning against him again. He can be like The Rock and work on his character to be a full-fledged badass before becoming a a true babyface. WWE sees this as a problem (at least for them) because they don't want Reigns to be a heel and lose his fans. The older fans can't buy Reigns as a babyface when he's dressed in black tactical gear and scowls all the time. He's built and booked as a powerhouse, not as an underdog.

Speaking of underdog, the one who truly looks the part is Ambrose. He doesn't have the look of a champion but he has the tenacity and the drive to be one. He just needs to win the championship title as a babyface to vindicate his DQ win against Rollins. This is what everyone wants to see. However, if Ambrose turns heel, he would still get over with the fans (damn that charisma of his). WWE sees this as their best solution and to keep Reigns as the top babyface. The problem is that it'll completely ruin Ambrose's character as this guy who went insane after Rollins betrayed The Shield and him remaining loyal to his only brother, Reigns.

There are so many scenarios for the finals, such as Reigns winning against Ambrose and joining the Authority, or Ambrose revealing that he secretly accept HHH's offer. There's even a possibility that Owens might advance and face off against Reigns. Oh, and Sheamus might cash in his Money In The bank at some point.

The dirtsheets were hit with new rumors that the brass changed their mind about Reigns and are pushing Ambrose to be the new champ instead. Of course, WWE could've intentionally leaked this to get people interested in the PPV, just to see Reigns walking away with the title. He has a freaking video that recaps what happened in the last 7 months! One thing is certain: Reigns will be the new WWE Heavyweight Champion. All hail the Roman Empire, I guess.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"I WANT BREAKFAST FOR DINNER!": Monday Night RAW (11/16/15)

Tonight's "go home" RAW will focus on the quarterfinals for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Tournament. This was put together last week after Seth Rollins' serious leg injury forced him to vacate the title. The remaining contenders are:

  • Roman Reigns vs Cesaro
  • Kevin Owens vs Neville
  • Dolph Ziggler vs Dean Ambrose 
  • Kalisto vs Alberto Del Rio 

Initially, it seems obvious who the final 4 winners will be: Reigns, Owens, Ambrose, and Del Rio. Two are heels that are the current US Champion and IC Champion and the other two are The Shield BFFs and the current top babyfaces of the company. Then again, a lot of people didn't expect Kalisto to make it to the finals, which in hindsight, makes sense since he would be facing against Del Rio. And Ziggler and Ambrose are both sporting injuries from their respective matches last week, which means shenanigans (in the bitter form of Tyler Breeze) will most likely happen. WWE could either put on something very predictable and by-the-numbers or do something completely unexpected, like a much needed swerve, to get people invested for the match at Survivor Series.


Ok, I take that back. The final 4 really are Reigns, Owens, Ambrose, and Del Rio O_O

RAW kicked off with Taker and Kane along with the Wyatt Family trading promos. They're saving themselves and their potential lightning and fire battle this Sunday. I have to say that the buildup for this is feeling really one-sided. It looked like the Wyatt Family was set up to be this big and powerful stable until Kane and Taker escaped with their powers intact. And it's still so weird that it's going to be Taker and Kane vs 2 of Wyatt's choice as opposed to 4 vs 4.

The first tournament match was Kevin Owens vs Neville. This was hands down the most thrilling match of the night and a great way to kick off the tournament. It was full of damn impressive spots from Neville and brutal and hard hitting moves from Owens. It was an impressive showcase for the 2 former NXT champs, mostly for Neville. Owens advances and despite Neville losing, he came off looking great here.

The second tournament match was Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler, which was a technical match. Let me rephrase that; it was a technical wrestling match. It started off as methodical, both testing each other strengths with chain wrestling. Then it slowly built up to a more explosive match. The biggest takeaway from this was Ambrose's mannerisms and attitude here. He wasn't being silly and panning to the crowd, he was focused and he showed frustration whenever Ziggler would get away. Ziggler was good too and showed as much offense in the end. Ambrose reverses Ziggler's attempt at a small package into Dirty Deeds and advances to the finals. He cut a short and great promo on what he would do if he was the World Heavyweight Champion. "I make the entire WWE the Ambrose Asylum!"

The third tournament match was Roman Reigns vs Cesaro. I was expecting this to be the main event (which I'll get to in a minute). This was just a flat out brawl between them but Cesaro did a good job making Reigns look strong. This was a good match for Reigns too but it still showcased how really limited his moveset is. Both sustained a minor arm injury as the match went on and they conveniently forgot to sell it. In the end, Reigns Superman punches and spears Cesaro for the win and advances.

The last tournament match was Albert Del Rio vs Kalisto, which was a very messy and very lazy match to watch. Ever Del Rio returned, there was so much anticipation on what he could do to uphold the US title after winning it from John Cena. And so far, it's not good. Del Rio looks like he's phoning it in with this weird "Meximera" gimmick and it seems to have carried over in this match. First, he accidentally unmasked Kalisto and tried to put the mask back on. Second, he botched a backbreaker and had to redo the spot. And last, he's still using his really lame double stomp finisher.

The main event as a contract signing with Paige and Charlotte. This was another bad segment and a stark reminder how badly they've been handling this Divas Revolution in the last 4 months. Paige came off incredibly heelish while Charlotte, the Divas Champion, came off as incredibly emotional and I hate to say it, weak. They brought up her brother Reid Flair, whom Charlotte almost always cries about. And Paige said he doesn't have much fight in him. This set up a catfight of some sort, which looks no different from how Divas were fighting earlier in the year. Paige mocking Charlotte's dead brother (and ignoring her other brother, David Flair, who's very much alive) did get people talking.

So that's the go-home show. Smack Down! is going to feature The Miz talking to the Reigns, Owens, Ambrose, and Del Rio as they had to Survivor Series. The card itself still looks a little short but knowing WWE, they're going to scramble for some last-minute additions. To be honest, the biggest match that everyone is looking forward to is not Taker and Kane vs The Wyatt Family. All eyes are on Reigns, Ambrose, and even Owens on who's going to be the Heavyweight Champion this Sunday. Who will be HHH's man?

It's going to be Reigns Ambrose Owens FUCK SHEAMUS

Monday, November 16, 2015

Weekend Recap (11/13/15-11/15/15)

Friday (11/13):

  • Some really bad shit happened in Paris on Friday the 13th.
  • VINCIE CAME HOME! I was asleep when he arrived after midnight. When I woke up, he was holding a pillow over my head, like he was going to smother me. Welcome home, you asshole :D

Saturday (11/14):

  • Ate at Archi's for lunch. Pineapple curry everything :D
  • Went to the nearby comic books store to  buy a few issues. I stopped buying comic books around the time that Vince got laid off. Just found out that Marvel freaking rebooted everything so a few of the series I've been collecting have already ended.
  • Went around Downtown Summerlin to walk around. Indulged in some treats from Cream.
  • Played Diablo III with Dan and Corinne.

Sunday (11/15):

  • Did some shopping at Costco
  • Went around Best Buy for a bit
  • I played Captain Toad on the Wii U while Vince prepared Adobo
  • Watched The Walking Dead and Into The Badlands. I'm so in love with the show. I love the worldbuilding and fight choreography. It's a mix of Tarantino and Wachowski style of visuals and storytelling.
  • Played Overwatch
  • Enjoyed seeing the pictures from the end of WWE's European Tour. Ambrose and Cesaro looks like they had so much fun at Bologna, Leipzig, and Stuttgart. Now I'm panicking what's going to happen on RAW for the finals.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

"Rebuild. Redesign. Reclaim.": Monday Night RAW (11/9/15)

Tonight's episode of Monday Night RAW is going to be very different, for both a bad and good reason. Bad because Seth Rollins' major leg injury forced him to immediately vacate the World Heavyweight Championship title. And good because the fans are going to see some major changes and something refreshingly different for the next few weeks leading to Wrestlemania. RAW is filming in the UK, so there are going to be major spoilers leaking before the show airs in its regular 8 PM PST slot on USA Network.

(Note: I'm totally spoiling myself and reading the live ongoing coverage from /r/SC, WrestlingInc, ProWrestlingNet, and PWInsider. I'm still going to watch it live, regardless of the results.)

Here are the match and First-Round Tournament results:

  • Roman Reigns defeated Big Show. Roman Reigns advances! OF COURSE HE DOES.
  • Kevin Owens defeated Titus O' Neil. Kevin Owens advances!
  • Becky Lynch defeated Paige
  • Dolph Ziggler defeated The Miz. Dolph Ziggler advances! With a minor knee injury? Shit.
  • Natalya defeated Naomi
  • Cesaro defeated Sheamus. Cesaro advances!
  • Dean Ambrose defeated Tyler Breeze. Dean Ambrose advances! With a shoulder injury? SHIT.
  • The New Day defeated The Usos and Neville

The Second-Round matches will begin next week at the go-home show of RAW:

  • Roman Reigns vs Cesaro
  • Kevin Owens vs Barrett or Neville (First-Round Tournament continuation on Smack Down!)
  • Dolph Ziggler vs Dean Ambrose 
  • Kalisto or Ryback vs Alberto Del Rio or Stardust (First-Round Tournament continuation on Smack Down!)


RAW opened up with HHH presenting the World Heavyweight Championship title resting on a table as he praised Seth Rollins. While HHH went at length about how great Rollins was, Reigns shows up and enters the ring. From there, HHH's promo takes a different turn; he tells Reigns that as #1 contender, he can skip the tournament and have the title given to him if he joins The Authority. He even went as far to say that Reigns was strongly considered to be their pick before Rollins. Reigns, being the goody two-shoes he is, turns down the offer and HHH bellows, "Welcome to the back of the line!" This segment firmly established that being The Authority's champion will set you and your family for life. Either Reigns will have second thoughts and accept the offer later on or someone else (another heel) would take up on that offer.

The rest of RAW covered 5 of the 8 First-Round Tournament matches, with the last 3 continuing on Thursday Night Smack Down! As evident with the first match with Reigns and Big Show, the bracket had odd choices and pair-ups, such as Ryback vs Kalisto, Titus O' Neil vs Kevin Owens, and Tyler Breeze vs Dean Ambrose. While it was predictable who would win, it didn't take away from the quality of the matches. Well, at least for the important ones. Cesaro was victorious and incredible as usual against Sheamus (and there was a ton of "CESARO SECTION" signs :D). Owens executed a perfectly brutal looking Pop-up Powerbomb against O' Neil and got great heat from mocking England's blind worship with the Queen. And Breeze, making his in-ring Raw debut, took advantage of Ambrose's tweaked shoulder and worked on it until he was defeated by the small package. 

The main event was saved for Bray Wyatt eulogizing about taking away Taker and Kane's powers. AND THEN THEY SHOWED UP. TOGETHER. This was an unexpected surprise and a big fucking treat for the Manchester crowd. Sadly, the Wyatt family came off ridiculously weak and overwhelmed by the two. It also reminded people that practically nothing happens after you get abducted by the Wyatt Family. Another inconsistency is that The Brothers of Destruction also got their powers back, so either they got it back from Wyatt, or there are now 3 supernatural beings with the same powers.

Overall, it was another week with a great and enjoyable RAW and this week is decidedly more crucial with possible changes in the storylines leading to the go-home show and Survivor Series. Another interesting note about the above bracket is that Reigns and Ambrose are positioned directly opposite of each other. There have been heavy, HEAVY talks about turning one of them (specifically Reigns) heel to follow the storyline of Deadly Game, the PPV that centered around the vacated WWF Championship and saw The Rock turning heel against Mick Foley and aligning himself with Vince McMahon. WWE is being forced to get creative in the absence of Cena, Orton, and Rollins. This is a good direction, ratings be damned.

RAW showcased another reason not to turn Ambrose heel just yet. He's so ridiculously silly and charismatic.



Monday, November 9, 2015

Weekend Recap (11/6/15-11/8/15)

Friday (11/6):

  • Ate at Sweet Tomatoes for dinner
  • Went home to play a bit of Blizzard's new game, Overwatch. It's like Team Fotress 2 with Pixar's art direction!
  • Played Left4Dead2 with Dan and Corinne. We had some weird error with the game where Vince and Corrine had black screens on their end. Dan, Vince, and I ended up playing Diablo III instead.
  • In WWE news, Rollins' removal affected the European tour this week. There was the Rollins Tour in England and the Reigns Tour in Scotland. Ambrose and Owens were pulled from the Reigns tour and flown practically overnight for the Rollins Tour.

Saturday (11/7):

  • Went to Seafood City to do some grocery shopping. Vince made Ginisang Munggo.
  • Ate at Jason's Deli and walked over to Office Depot (which was closing). We got nothing.
  • Went to Fashion Show Mall. There wasn't anything for us to buy. Vince was more preoccupied with going to California again for a week for an evaluation.
  • Got the most horrible news regarding my immediate family, specifically my auntie and uncle (from my mom's side). It sucks that it's gotten to that point, and everyone is guilty of being selfish. The bottom line is that their youngest daughter is going to have to deal with this and she feels she's the cause of it, and no kid should ever feel like that.

Sunday (11/8):

  • Went to Ann's Salon to get a haircut. Originally, I wanted to get a blonde streak on my right side. In light of what happened with Rollins, I decided to just do the blonde streak on my left. Obviously, it's mirrored so it's not exactly like Rollins hairstyle.
  • Went to Costco to do some more last minute shopping for Vince's trip. Vince got a call from is parents. Let's just say they went from being worried about him to degrading him in a span of a few minutes.
  • Went to Yogurtland afterwards to get dessert for dinner :P
  • Watched Walking Dead and ROH
  • Looking forward to Monday Night RAW. WWE is hitting the reset button, which means they have to make new storylines and put more superstars in the spotlight due to Rollins' injury.
  • Also... So. Much. Shirtless. AMBROSE. All from the European tour.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Seth Rollins injured; WHC title vacated

This is a sad, sad day for Seth Rollins fan, myself recently included. Rollins reportedly sustained a leg injury at a house show in Dublin Wednesday night. It looked like Rollins' knee buckled when he tried to do a sunset flip. He finished his match against Kane but he had to be helped up to walk the ramp. The severity of the leg injury was revealed today and made official by WWE:

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins has torn his right ACL, MCL and medial meniscus, and will not be able to defend the title against Roman Reigns at Survivor Series. A tournament to determine a new champion will instead take place at the event. 
As first reported on Twitter by ESPN, Rollins suffered the injury last night at a WWE Live Event in Dublin, Ireland, and is expected to miss six to nine months of action.

It fucking sucks that this had to happen to Rollins. Despite how inconsistent his character has been since his heel turn, and how crappy they book him, he still puts on the best god damn matches every single time. His injury came at the worst time, with Reigns finally targeting Rollins for taking away his opportunity at Wrestlemania this year. The ending of this past RAW had the former SHIELD members as the survivors of both teams, which was heavily hinting at a possible SHIELD Triple Threat match for Wrestlemania 32 next year. Those plans are now scrapped and the title was immediately vacated as of today.

Rollins' injury also means that The Authority lost their corporate champ. Currently, there are no heels that are associated with The Authority to fill his spot. Kevin Owens is the current IC Champ and he's reportedly going to start feuding with Ambrose for the next few months. The New Day are the current Tag Team Champs and they are getting ready to feud against the returning Usos. Sheamus is the MITB holder and he's currently teamed up with King Barrett. The Wyatt Family have their own program going on with Taker and Kane. Basically, there is a big hole to fill in the overarching narrative between the midcard underdogs and the Authority.

What is WWE planning? They've already announced a tournament at Survivor Series to crown a new World Heavyweight Champion. Reigns is the #1 contender and it looks like they'll be working out on who the contenders will be and how they'll be decided. Wonder what they'll do though. Will someone turn heel to be a champ? Will that heel join The Authority? Will they bring in another part-timer to win the title, like Del Rio did for the US Title? Are we going to see another NXT call up to the main roster? Now more than ever, the road to Survivor Series and Wrestlemania is changing.

Get well soon, Seth!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"ROMAN. REIGNS.": Monday Night RAW (11/2/15)

For the second week in a row, RAW put out another mostly enjoyable episode. In the spirit of the 29th Anniversary of Survivor Series, the main event was a "traditional Survivor Series five-on-five elimination tag team match", headed by team captains Rollins and Reigns.

Here are the match results:

  • Kevin Owens defeated Dolph Ziggler
  • Cesaro defeated The Miz by submission
  • The Lucha Dragons defeated Sheamus and King Barrett
  • Alberto Del Rio (w/Zeb Colter) defeated R-Truth
  • Paige defeated Becky Lynch, Brie Bella, and Sasha Banks
  • Team Reigns (Roman Reigns, Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, Ryback, and Dean Ambrose) defeated Team Rollins (Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Big E, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods)

The Wyatt Family addressed the WWE Universe and basically said that they now have the souls of Undertaker and Demon Kane. Which meant Bray now had the power of Taker's cheesy purple lightning and Kane's turnbuckle pyros. While Vince cringed and face palmed at this segment, I was eating this shit up. I loved it, I seriously loved it. It's like a subtle passing of the torch to making the Wyatt Family a monstrous heel faction. I'm interested in seeing where they go with this.

It's almost as if WWE took note on how the #1 Contender's Matches did so well last week that they decided to repeat it for the Divas Championship. The best part is that the Divas segment featured all of them solo, with no respective team members being at ring side. Which meant we got to hear Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks' awesome entrance theme. It was a great match for all of the women, with Brie Bella being somewhat out of place. In the end, Paige came out victorious after she took out Becky. It was somewhat of a disappointment to see Becky and not Brie take the pin, and also for Sasha to be left out of the title picture again. This sets up the 2nd title match for Survivor Series.

The main event saw Team Rollins with his champion members, The New Day and Kevin Owens, eagerly waiting in the ring for Team Reigns' reveal. The big surprise was seeing the return of the Usos (both of them!) coming to Cousin Roman's aid. The third member was Ryback (which Owens was not happy to see). As if they have saved the best for last, the final member was revealed to be Dean Ambrose. It didn't matter how predictable the final choice was; Ambrose got a great big pop from the audience, with Reigns coming in second.

The match ran on for for more than half an hour and the eliminations happened in the following order:

  • Xavier Woods was pinned by Jey Uso
  • Kofi Kingston was pinned by Jimmy Uso
  • Jey Uso was pinned by Big E
  • Jimmy Uso was pinned by Kevin Owens
  • Big E was pinned by Ryback
  • Ryback was pinned by Seth Rollins
  • Kevin Owens was pinned by Dean Ambrose
  • Seth Rollins was disqualified
  • Survivors: Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose

The main event event was great, especially when it came down to Reigns, Ambrose, Owens, and Rollins. Owens was noticeably mocking and badgering Ambrose and Rollins kept yelling, "WHY CAN'T YOU DIE DEAN?!" As usual, Ambrose takes the most punishment in the ring while Reigns rests outside for the hot tag. In the end, Reigns and Ambrose became the winners via DQ when Rollins used a chair to attack them. Yeah, that looked pretty familiar. Instead of making Rollins look strong in the end, Reigns no sells and pulls a Superman punch on Rollins, causing him to retreat out of the ring as he clutched his title.

Aside from that LOLREIGNSWIN ending, RAW wasted no time in setting up Survivor Series. They're doing a much better job with this than last month's Hell In A Cell. Of course, it probably might not translate well in ratings. I hope WWE can overlook that and focus on telling their stories and creating their stars for their established fanbase.

I think Owens just found his next opponent :D

Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween Weekend Recap (10/30/15-11/1/15)

Hey! I brought the weekend recaps back! That means something good is happening :D

Friday (10/30):

A photo posted by sheila antonio (@sajcfan) on

A photo posted by sheila antonio (@sajcfan) on

  • Pololu Halloween Contest! I never win at these things because I always talk myself down whenever I have to explain my costume. This year, I dressed up as Chell from Portal 2. Everything, from the Portal Gun, the orange jumpsuit, the Aperture Laboratories tank tops, and the longfall socks, were official Portal products. I was in costume for the whole day!
  • I even went to Whole Foods dressed up as Chell. I avoided making eye contact with anyone. I was hungry.
  • I played Diablo III with Dan and Vince, who should be driving back from California tomorrow morning. He had a great interview, so we're hoping we hear something soon by next week.
  • I went and updated my resume since it seems highly likely that he'll get the job and we'll have to  move soon. Dammit, I already bought my Muse tickets for December 6 at Mandalay Bay :(
  • Stupid side note: I'll no longer be in the same state as Dean Ambrose, even though it's damn near impossible to ever run into him on their day off. I already met Ambrose twice this year - at Wizard World  and Gamestop Expo - so I'm good. No not really.

  • I spent the morning trying to be somewhat productive. I went to the gym. I walked to KMart to buy a few things, including wristbands for a last minute costume as former WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee. I did the laundry.
  • Vince came home :) He had to rest for a bit after a long drive from California. Vince was dressed as an Elite Yelper, which was in reference to this South Park episode (SO NSFW). Vince was doing this in response to Joanna becoming a recent Elite Yelper. 
  • We ate a lot and played One Night Ultimate Werewolf and Cards Against Humanity. Since we had a large group, we briefly ended up using Christian's copy of Werewolf to accommodate it, which made it more confusing. Vince was not the King of CAH tonight; that honor went to Justin. Vince said he was just tired.
  • I wasn't able to make it to my coworker's party, which was pretty obvious :/
  • We went home, mostly because Vince was still pretty tired.

Sunday (9/27):

  • Lazy Sunday. We went to Town Square to walk around a bit. Vince and I spotted new Nerf blasters and immediately bought it. I loved the look of it, it was like something out or Borderlands. He modified it so that it shoots 2 balls instead of 1.
  • Went to Bed Bath and Beyond to buy smaller stuff, including a Kitty Shack.
  • Watched The Walking Dead and saw the newest South Park episode about Yaoi O_O
  • Starting next month, I'm going to try this Flat Tummy Tea thing. I saw Sasha Banks promoting this on her Instagram so I thought I would give it a shot.
  • Somewhat not looking forward to Raw since November will be "Make Roman Look Strong" month leading to Survivor Series for the next 2 weeks. This past Smack Down was surprisingly Ambrose-heavy, which means he'll probably have another backstage segment or another pointless match as he takes a backseat to Reigns tonight.