Monday, July 6, 2015

Independence Day Weekend

Friday: We did a bit of grocery shopping and I did a comic book run. We ran into Andrew and Joanna at the Maximum Comics. Later, we met up at Buffalo Wild Wings for Christine’s Birthday celebration. We had wings, shots, and the deliciously sinful Dessert Nachos.
Saturday: We worked out at the gym for a bit in the morning. Then, we brought our squirt guns and bought some last minute supplies at Trader Joe’s and went to Christine and Anthony’s place for a BBQ Pool party. Had some Vegan burgers and hotdogs and smores! We ended the night by going to the park to see some fireworks. Went home and played some Heroes of the Storm before going to bed.
Sunday: Vince played Batman: Arkham Knight for nearly 12 hours! I watched the NJPW Dominion PPV.
These 3-day weekends always feel so short.

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