Monday, February 29, 2016

Weekend Recap (2/26/16 - 2/28/16)

Friday (2/26):

  • Vince had to work late. I went to Market Grille Cafe to get some takeout for us.
  • We happily ate our Pomegranate Chicken Wrap and Greek Trio dishes as we watched the ROH 14th Anniversary PPV in our computer room.
  • My co-worker Jon, who's very new to ROH and NJPW and whom I coaxed into buying a ticket to watch the PPV, really enjoyed it. He was getting a bit frustrated with WWE as of late so me and a former co-worker, Zeeshan, are showing to him other wrestling alternatives.

Saturday (2/27):

  • We stayed in the whole morning. We got ready for the ROH 14th Anniversary TV tapings.
  • I posted the experience here on my Wordpress Blog.

Sunday (2/28):

  • I went to the Henderson Convention Center for Maker Faire. This place was SUPER FAR. It's like I was in a small town. I had to park at the Eldorado casino because the convention center's parking lot was full. I took some pics and video but I left after about 2 hours.That said, I was pretty disappointed with it. Granted the last time I went was 2 years ago, this Maker Faire felt so small. My only highlight was abruptly crawling from underneath the table while Claire was talking to people about the product demos.
  • I got a late lunch at Flame Broiler
  • Passed out while Vince played Destiny
  • Watched DOPE. Man, what a smart movie.
  • Played a bit of Diablo III before heading to bed

What to expect for Monday Night RAW:

Undertaker is making an appearance tonight, most likely to respond on suddenly being put in a match against Shane McMahon. People were wondering if Taker is now a heel if he's fighting for Vince. Also, Shane looks like he's taking his match seriously and has been posting videos of himself training with a Muy Thai coach.

Roman Reigns, still recovering from his deviated septum surgery HHH beating the crap out of him, and Brock Lesnar are reportedly not booked tonight. Does this mean Ambrose and Heyman are going to have some mic time? While this sounds great for Heyman to bounce off someone, I'm worried that Ambrose might be put into a random singles match or a 4-man tag team match. I hate how the talents almost don't interact with each other unless they're in a match or a storyline together. Who's Ambrose going to interact with besides Heyman, Lesnar, Reigns, and the Authority for the next month?

Tonight will also see if Sasha Banks or Becky Lynch will be the #1 contender for Charlotte's Divas's title at Wrestlemania. I hope it becomes a triple threat. Becky needs the title shot!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"WHAT IS HAPPENING?!": Monday Night RAW (2/22/16)

Just hours before RAW, footage of Brock Lesnar attacking Dean Ambrose outside the arena surfaced, causing a HUGE buzz in the social media of the WWE Universe. Ambrose was then stretchered out of the arena in an ambulance, meaning he'll be missing tonight's show due to the devastating injuries he received after being slammed by Lesnar unto a limo. YEAH FUCKING RIGHT.

Unpredictability seemed to be the theme for tonight's RAW, as the hour kicked off with showing footage of Lesnar beating up Ambrose (again), followed by Vince McMahon introducing the newly created Vincent J McMahon Legacy of Excellence Award. The award went to Stephanie, of course, who was gracious to accept the award (amidst the reign of boos from the audience). Just as she was getting ready to give her acceptance speech, she was interrupted... by none other than Shane McMahon. The reason for Shane's return was that he wanted to take control of Monday Night RAW, after being disgusted with how the ratings, the stock, and roster injuries have been under Stephanie's reign. Vince said he'll do it if Shane fights and win in one match of Vince's choosing, which Shane hastily accepts. The match will take place at Wrestlemania. His opponent is Undertaker. And it will be a Hell In A Cell match.

The rest of RAW was entertaining for the most part. The results can be found here.

The second hour saw Paul Heyman and Lesnar returning, with Heyman cutting a furiously amazing promo on how Brock Lesnar is "THE MAIN EVENT," regardless of him not facing against HHH for the title. Thanks to Ambrose screwing over Lesnar and himself out of the Triple Threat, he needs another Wrestlemania opponent. Ambrose shows up in the same ambulance he was taken out of and crawls towards Lesnar, who literally steps on Ambrose's head as he makes his exit. Ambrose calls out for Lesnar and demands a No Holds Barred Street Fight at Wrestlemania. Lesnar does an F5 on Ambrose and Heyman tells him that his client accepts. Initially, I was worried that Ambrose's momentum has been killed off after losing in Fastlane. Not only did this continue the storyline of "Indestructible" Ambrose, this also marks his first ever one-on-one Wrestlemania match! And thanks to Heyman's emphasis on Lesnar being "THE MAIN EVENT", it's shaping up to actually outshine the main event match with HHH vs Reigns.

The end of the third hour saw a lackluster match between Reigns and Sheamus, which ended in a no contest as HHH appeared and proceeded to take out Reigns. The beatdown got incredibly violent as HHH repeatedly smacked Reigns' head on the announcer's table, leaving his face a bright bloody mess. HHH even did the pedigree on Reigns on the steel steps. This is the heel giving a brutal beatdown to a babyface and yet, the whole crowd was behind the heel the whole time, cheering "YES!" for every smack and yelling "ONE MORE TIME!" for another pedigree. There's 6 more weeks left til Wrestlemania and I can't imagine how Reigns is going to handle this (some asshole fan even threw beer at him during his entrance). He really has to turn heel, otherwise he's going to get booed out of the building in Wrestlemania again. reported that Reigns had to undergo surgery following HHH's attack, which seems to alude to that rumor that Reigns might get written off TV to avoid the boos he'll be getting when RAW comes to Chicago, Philiadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Brooklyn next month. If WWE had to resort to this, this is probably the best choice. It helps to take off all the heat Reigns gets. I'm actually starting to feel a bit sorry for him.

Monday, February 22, 2016

WWE Fastlane 2016

So... Fastlane ended up staying the course with its main (and increasingly exhausting) storyline of Reigns vs The Authority. The main event ended predictably with Reigns pinning Ambrose to be the #1 contender for the WWE WHC. The is also the 2nd Fastlane in a row that Reigns has won to be in the main event for Wrestlemania.

The only good matches were the damn pre-show with Kalisto defeating Del Rio, where Kalisto retained, Kevin Owens defeated Dolph Ziggler, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch defeating Naomi and Tamina, and AJ Styles defeating Jericho. The third hour was like something out of a Monday Night RAW episode where it had an Edge and Christian segment AND an unannounced Curtis Axel vs R-Truth match, which Axel won! The results can be found here.

All the talk, all the hype, all the excitement that was driven by Ambrose's inclusion - including taking the IC belt off him - felt like a wasted effort. The only interesting thing that came out of the main event really was Ambrose working together with Reigns to work 2 powerbomb table spots on Lesnar and Ambrose using a chair to take out Lesnar AND Reigns. When Reigns won, HHH appeared and stood face-to-face in the ring with him. It was noted that the boos from the crowd were drowned out by blasting HHH's music and muting the crowd mic while the crowd was shown to be indifferent or visibly booing with their thumbs down.

I thought it would be dumb of WWE to not give Ambrose a homestate win and sure enough, that's exactly what happened. Same goes to Ziggler too, and it was his home town! Anways, I'm just immensely disappointed with the outcome because my favorite didn't win but I am morbidly curious to see how Reigns (who is now kayfabe stronger than Lesnar after last night) will fare when RAW comes to the 4 smarkiest cities before Wrestlemania. Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Brooklyn, have at him.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

What I expect from WWE Fastlane

It seems too damn coincidental to suddenly throw then IC Champ Dean Ambrose into the main event for Fastlane alongside with Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar. As far as I know, this will be Ambrose's 2nd time to main event a PPV in his homestate of Ohio. He was previously in the main event against Seth Rollins for Money in The Bank 2015 in Columbus, Ohio. That match had a somewhat controversial ending, where Ambrose and Rollins were both holding unto the WHC belt as it suddenly unhooked. As they fell and crashed to the mat, Rollins rolled away with the title firmly in his hands and retained, leaving Ambrose looking literally defeated.

WWE seems to be taking a very huge gamble with suddenly taking the IC belt off from Ambrose a week before their PPV. The focus has shifted from Reigns, being unusually apathetic about losing his title to The Authority again, to Ambrose opening up RAW, foolishly going after Lesnar, and even trying to pull a Dirty Deeds on an unsuspecting Reigns. The last few weeks of RAW have been pretty exciting since Ambrose's inclusion. Will WWE cave in and actually let him win this Sunday? Sadly, I would have to go with a defeated, "No."

This uncertainty and false hope might just be a way to cover up the fact that they're still steadfast with Reigns reclaiming his title and getting his Wrestlemania moment. Which is all fine and dandy, except his character has done nothing redeemable since walking out in the middle of his own title defense match last month. How can anyone root for that?

The tremendous pop Ambrose has been consistently getting since being the last man standing against HHH in the Royal Rumble, along with the dozens of exciting speculations and fantasy bookings about Ambrose winning and headlining Wrestlemania, is not going to force WWE to change the story and overall poor booking of Reigns. I'm sure the Triple Threat match will be exciting, and I'm sure Ambrose will probably find some consolation in fighting against Lesnar or going after Owens to take back his IC title. Either way, I'm going to be super salty after Fastlane and I'll probably swear off WWE for several hours before tuning in again on Monday.


Probably getting my (false) hopes up more but just released a new shirt for Ambrose:

Excluding the horrible back design, the DA logo looks gritty and hardcore with the barbed wire. Is this hinting something? Ambrose actually had a few new shirt designs quietly released over last few weeks. It's just odd that this one is on their front page banner.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

"I'm getting worked!": Monday Night RAW (2/15/16)

The go-home show of Monday Night RAW kicked off with IC champ Dean Ambrose doing an in-ring promo and asking for more punishment from Brock Lesnar (who's actually booked for Smack Down). Stephanie McMahon comes out instead and grants Ambrose's wish for another F5, except it would be a Fatal 5-Way against Kevin Owens, Stardust, Dolph Ziggler, and Tyler Breeze to defend his IC title. If his buddy, Roman Reigns interferes, Ambrose will be DQ'd and removed from the triple threat main event at Fastlane.

I want to get this out of the way: I am tremendously sad that Ambrose lost. I was really looking forward to him having a long reign with the IC title (he had it for 64 days). Considering how Ambrose has been booked after Royal Rumble - fighting to be a #1 contender for the WHC and not defending the IC title - he had to lose it. If Ambrose had to lose the belt to someone, there's no better choice than Owens, who is now a 2-time IC Champ. Ambrose's loss means he might have a better chance at winning at Fastlane. Whatever the scenario, it's very interesting how much the focus has shifted to Ambrose over Reigns in the last few weeks. However, it could also be WWE being very crafty with their misdirection and not making it obvious that Reigns will get his Wrestlemania moment.

The rest of RAW seemingly dragged on afterwards with a mix of new matches set for Fastlane and filler matches that didn't do anything storyline wise. The results can be found here. If the best match of the night was the IC Fatal 5-Way, what was the main event? It was Big Show against Braun Strowman, which bored the hell out of Anaheim crowd, and ended in DQ when the rest of the Wyatt family interfered. Kane and Ryback came out to assist Big Show and the show pretty much ended there, just so it can transition to Stone Cold Steve Austin doing his live podcast with Big Show afterwards.

Here are the confirmed matches for Sunday:
  • Kick-off: Kalisto vs Alberto Del Rio for the US Title Championship in a 2-out-of-3 falls match
  • Kevin Owens vs Dolph Ziggler in an IC Championship match
  • Sasha Bank and Becky Lynch vs Naomi and Tamina
  • AJ Styles vs Jericho Part III (likely to be confirmed after Smack Down)
  • Brie Bella vs Charlotte in a Divas Championship match
  • Ryback, Kane, and Big Show vs The Wyatt Family
  • Main event: Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar in a #1 Contenders Triple Threat
  • Edge and Christian's Cutting Edge Peep Show with The New Day (no title defense?)

"You better be a lot quicker than that, baby!"

Monday, February 15, 2016

Weekend Recap (2/12/16 - 2/14/16)

Friday (2/12):

    A photo posted by sheila antonio (@sajcfan) on

  • My work treated us to bagels and pastries for VDay treats. I made signs for it.
  • Vince and I ate at Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. They had Red Velvet Lava Cake. So damn good.
  • Played some Overwatch for a bit. Oh! I also got Vince's post-Anniversary/pre-Valentine's Day gift, which was an Overwatch hooded jacket. He loves it :D And he got me a knitted burger plushie, earrings, and a jade necklace.

Saturday (2/13):

  • We decided to celebrated VDay early. Started by watching Deadpool, which was such a good movie. Kudos to Ryan Reynolds for fighting so hard to make this movie happen.
  • After the movie, we went to Via Brasil, an all-you-can-eat steakhouse. We went all out and went for the Sterling Dinner. Problem is that we don't eat as much as we used to so we were pretty stuffed.
  • Walked around Downtown Summerlin to fight the food coma. I bought myself a Sailor Moon tanktop and an Evee lanyard.
  • Played some Diablo III while Vince played Destiny.

Valentine's Day / Sunday (2/14):

A photo posted by sheila antonio (@sajcfan) on

  • We just treated this day as a regular Sunday and did some grocery shopping at Costco. And yes, someone was walking around in that inflatable T-Rex costume. It was so funny to see him picking out roses and then checking out. It made everybody smile.
  • Went home and played even more Diablo III. First I played with Dan and Corrine. Then Vince and I played with Josh. We stopped playing around 9:00 pm to catch the season premiere of The Walking Dead.
  • Afterwards, I decided to catch up and read up on our graphic novels, Saga and The Walking Dead. Ever since Vince was furloughed last year, we stopped buying comic book issues. It sucks but it was an expensive habit. Looks like we'll be going back to collecting paperback versions instead.
  • Watched ROH before going to bed. They confirmed the card for the 14th Anniversary Show, which we're not going to. We're doing the TV taping on Saturday.

What to expect for Monday Night RAW:

This is a new section I'm adding to the weekend recaps since I do it on Mondays. It's a nice transition to the RAW recaps I do on Tuesdays.

Anyways, tonight is the go home show and there is a lot of anticipation building up for Fastlane. The last 2 weeks have been heavily focusing Ambrose and Lesnar, while Reigns has remained suspiciously quiet and less involved in their upcoming triple threat match to be the #1 contender. There are several predicted outcomes for Fastlane:

  • Wyatt family interferes and takes out Lesnar. Reigns pins Ambrose to be the #1 contender.
  • Wyatt family interferes and takes out Lesnar. Ambrose turns heel and pins Reigns to be the #1 contender.
  • Not sure how it plays out between Ambrose and Reigns but Lesnar wins and becomes the #1 contender
  • Due to Authority shenanigans, Ambrose AND Reigns become #1 contenders, turning the main event at Wrestlemania into a triple threat

Ideally, I would have love to see Ambrose, current IC champ, be the #1 contender and face off against HHH at Wrestlemania. If WWE is looking to recreate their Daniel Bryan moment, they would go with this scenario instead of forcing it with Reigns. However, seeing how this PPV is taking place in Ambrose's home state, and knowing WWE's tendency to make wrestlers lose in their hometown and/or homestate (see Reigns getting booed during Royal Rumble in Florida), I'm expecting the predictable outcome of Reigns winning so that he gets his Wrestlemania moment. I'm more excited for NXT: Takeover Dallas than Wrestlemania itself.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

"Gratitude": Monday Night RAW (2/8/16)

This is the tweet that shocked the wrestling world this morning. Daniel Bryan, who vacated his IC title 9 months ago due to medical reasons, has announced his retirement. For a while, Vince and I thought this has to be a work. Maybe he'll pull a Mark Henry, who announced that he was retiring and later fooled everybody (this is where the infamous "Y'ALL A BUNCH OF PUPPETS!" came from). Maybe he might come back as a heel, to help create excitement on the Road to Wrestlemania. The point is, like everyone else, we thought that Bryan will finally return to WWE. We just didn't expect him to return in this manner.

It's not a work. It's not an angle. It's real. And that is the hardest part of Bryan's announcement to accept. However, Bryan did something more than just say goodbye; he chose his home state to announce his retirement, he thanked the people in the back as well as Kane and William Regal for being his mentors, he cheesily joked about Brie saying "YES! YES! YES! every night (prompting a "That's what she said!" chant), and most importantly, he thanked the fans for behind him the whole time.

Not since Edge's retirement speech in 2011 had the WWE Universe seen a young wrestler who was forced to retire due to medical reasons. In the long run, this was the right call for him to make. Bryan admitted that he had sustained many concussions over the course of his career. If anything, this is bringing to light of WWE's priority in putting their employees health above anything else. All of the injuries that have put a lot of current superstars out - Rollins, Orton, Cena, Cesaro, to name a few - has been devastating and difficult for booking their shows and PPVs but it's better that they take time off to recover rather than wrestle through the injuries and ignore their doctors (which is sadly what Bryan also did, as mentioned in his book). Bryan broke the mold for professional wrestling, is highly respected across other wrestling promotions, and has accomplished so much in WWE before even turning 35. There won't be another wrestler like him.

Aside from the somber tone, Monday Night RAW saw a few major developments leading to Fastlane:
  • Ambrose, Reigns, and Lesnar's contract signing for the main event devolved into chaos as Ambrose repeatedly taunting Lesnar, begging for more F5s, and low-blowing him. This is the second week where the focus is on Ambrose and Lesnar while Reigns is just being the silent third wheel.
  • The Divas storyline is back on track with showcasing more of Charlotte, Becky, and Sasha. Becky and Sasha have reluctantly teamed up to go against "Naomina."
  • The Dudleyz have turned heel and are targeting the Usos. Vince and I both cheered for this
  • There's probably going to be a Kevin Owens vs Ziggler match for Fastlane
  • That goes double for AJ Styles vs Jericho. I just wish they would make AJ talk!
With over a week left, Fastlane is the only PPV left to set up storylines and matches leading to Wrestlemania. It feels like some rewriting is being done at the last minute - notably with Ambrose - so here's hoping that whatever plans they have in mind will not get sidetracked with another injury moving forward.


Monday, February 8, 2016

Weekend Recap (2/5/16 - 2/7/16)

Friday (2/5):

  • Good god, it's February already
  • Ate at Omoide with Josh, Tanisha, their daughter Nix, Andrew and Joanna. Nix had red bean ice cream for the first time. Her expression was great!
  • I went home while Vince went to Andrew's place to pick up the extra copy of Destiny
  • Vince spent the rest of the night playing Helldivers

Saturday (2/6):

  • Went to Seafood City to do some grocery shopping. Vince got a Ferraro Rocher slush and I got a Tareo boba slush.
  • We also went around that area, like to the new 99 Ranch market, Goodwill, John's Incredible Pizza (where you need to pay an admission fee to eat and play), and then to Boulevard Mall.
  • At Goodwill, we bought 3 slightly used games - Scrabble, Cranium, and Battleship - for under $11. We traded the old clay from another Cranium game and Vince wanted the classic Scrabble board so we had to switch that too. He almost bought a cheer Champion jacket.
  • I played a bit of Destiny while Vince was cooking. I'm HORRIBLE at FPS on a console controller. 
  • Went home to get started on the Beef Mechado. It was delicious!
  • I played some Diablo III by myself while Vince played Helldivers

Super Bowl Sunday (2/7):

  • Went to Vince's parent's place for lunch
  • Vince and his dad spent about an hour trying to return a propane tank because the one they bought was leaking, so we had lunch a lot later but around the time the Super Bowl started
  • I guess it wasn't a good game. We left and went to visit Joel and Pam.
  • I played a bit of Helldivers and was Sorsha's seat. Right as we were leaving, I accidentally knocked over Sorsha with my feet. This now makes 2 of their kids I have accidentally/gently injured O_O
  • We finished up season 4 of Breaking Bad. Walter White is horrible.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

"Take me to Suplex City, baby!": Monday Night RAW (2/2/16)

What a freaking opening. Rather than get treated to another opening monologue from The Authority, out comes Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Heyman briefly mentions the Wyatt Family taking on Lesnar and removing him from the Royal Rumble. He then mentions the main even of Fastlane which sees Brother vs Brother vs Beast, that Lesnar will F5 both of them and go on to take on HHH at Wrestlemania. Heyman then proceeds to talk down about Ambrose, which prompted him to come out and stand toe-to-toe with Lesnar. He cuts the most confidant, passionate, and defiant promo, almost never taking his eyes off from Lesnar. Ambrose knows he doesn't stand a chance but it's not going to stop the "Iron Man of WWE."

And from there, RAW somewhat falls apart. The results can be found here.

The few highlights for me were:
  • Stephanie planting the seeds of dissension between Reigns and Ambrose in a backstage segment, where the WWE WHC belt ("BELT!" THEY SAID "BELT!") was on display and not being carried about by HHH. WWE seems to be teasing a heel turn between the two again. Also, godammit Reigns, would it kill you to be at least UPSET that you lost your title to The Authority again?
  • Kevin Owens and Ziggler had a match again. Thank to 50/50 booking, Ziggler gets a win over Owens this week. It's a great match but it felt so directionless, especially for Owens.
  • The MizTV segment consisted of The Miz completely taking over and now allowing AJ to speak. He put AJ over so much that he got the crowd to cheer for him until he started talking him down. AJ gets back and beats the crap out of Miz, setting up a match for them on Smack Down.
  • Team BAD officially broke up, which was odd considering the breakup happened on Smack Down last week in a backstage segment. They repeated the breakup again, this time with Naomi and Tamina getting mic time. They interfered in Sasha's match, causing her AND Becky fighting off Tamina and Naomi (and their match resulting in a DQ). This was a badly scripted but it allowed Sasha to be herself again.
  • NEW DAY HAS ACKNOWLEDGED AMBREIGNS ON TUMBLR. TUMBLR MELTDOWN COMMENCE. I'm aware of this fandom and I block that smut when I tag lurk. I did laugh at the fact that Ambrose got spanked by Big E during the abdominal stretch (he usually hits them on their sides) and Ambrose looked pretty angry.

Overrall, this was an all right episode of RAW. It focused a lot more on Ambrose and Lesnar while Reigns is being significantly downplayed. It seems like WWE might be trying to cool off on Reigns a bit (he was replaced by HHH on the cover for the DVD/Blu-Ray release of Royal Rumble), which might be a good thing for now. I had no interest in the main event because it felt like it was already decided; that Lesnar would be taken out by the Wyatt Family and Ambrose will get pinned by Reigns, who would go on to face HHH. Throwing Ambrose in just adds the possibility of a different ending... or is that false hope?


Monday, February 1, 2016

Weekend Recap (1/29/16 - 1/31/16)

Friday (1/29):

  • Vince and I went to Sushi Neko, an All You Can Eat Sushi restaurant that replaced Shuseki, which was also a Japanese restaurant that we've been going to for the last few years. We had a horrible experience and I left a negative Yelp review.
  • We went to get some Gelato at Vivido afterwards to quell our anger
  • Played some Diablo III
  • Stayed up late to watch the farewell NJPW match of Shinsuke Nakamura. He'll be making his debut at NXT: Takeover Dallas at Wrestlemania weekend. This is fucking surreal.

Saturday (1/30):

  • We watched "Kung Fu Panda 3." I loved it and I'm really hoping Dreamworks doesn't try to milk it like "Shrek" and make more movies out of it.
  • We ate at SkinnyFat for lunch
  • Went around Wal-Mart and Best Buy for a bit
  • Went over to Andrew's place for board game night. Vince bought a new board game, Codenames, and we also played Blood Bound and Exploding Kittens. Michael and their cousins Justin and Sandra came by too. Didn't see Joanna because she had a serious stomach ache.

Sunday (1/31):

  • Went to Las Vegas Premium Outlet to use the $25 Nike Gift card. I bought myself new workout tops and Vince got socks and a workout bag.
  • Also, it was freaking raining that day
  • Played Diablo III the rest of the night. We also caught up with X-Files and I laughed at the fact that the show never updated its opening credits, probably to avoid the fans getting upset at a new intro for a show that ended over 13 years ago.
  • There have been so much talk about the main event for Fastlane. Initially, it seemed like people accepted the fact that Ambrose was added to take the pin. The fact that people are talking about the possibility of Ambrose winning Fastlane and Reigns turning heel actually sparked more interest. Way to got WWE, you're giving us more false hope. Also, the poster for it is fucking weird with Eva Marie in the middle. They also photoshopped Ambrose's head on another body (of course, it was when he was muscular 2 years ago).