Tuesday, October 6, 2015

"NEW DAY KILLS EVERYONE": Monday Night RAW (10/5/15)

I begrudgingly watched RAW last night but I couldn't stick around for the third hour. The first hour was good with Lesnar and Heyman. His promo was great but at the end, he let everyone know that this will be Taker and Lesnar's last match. This was dumb to have a blow off match in Hell In A Cell instead of building it towards Wrestlemania. They must be planning something bigger. Big Show showed up and was suplexed and F5'd to death. Big Show was actually suppose to be Seth Rollins' partner against the Dudleyz (wha?), so Rollins had to look for another partner.

Also, hey! "12 Rounds 3: Lockdown" poster was spotted again :D I will never stop mentioning this.

Ambreigns and Orton vs The Wyatt Family was actually the first match, which was good. Once again, Ambrose gets beaten up for a good portion of the match so that Orton and Reigns will get the hot tag. It was disappointing to see Harper get the pin because Roman and Strowman need to look strong.

There was a Susan G. Komen segment where the roster stood at the ramp wearing the "RISE ABOVE CANCER" shirts while Reigns and John Cena were in the ring with breast cancer survivors. This was pretty telling; Cena, the top babyface of WWE, and Roman Reigns, the second babyface that WWE is trying to push again, are front and center.

I won't bother recapping the show because the rest of the matches - excluding the weirdly entertaining match with Kevin Owens vs Sin Cara - were not really worth mentioning. We turned out in the last hour and came back to watch the last 10 minutes.

The New Day ending the show was the biggest surprise. They dominated over The Dudleyz, John Cena, and Ziggler. This was a new streak of viciousness for the New Day; now they're truly a heel faction.

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