Sunday, September 20, 2015

Weekend Recap (9/18/15-9/20/15)

Friday (9/18):

  • Ate at Sweet Tomatoes for dinner
  • Watched a bit of ROH All-Star Extravaganza iPPV. Jay Lethal retained both of his titles, thanks to shenanigans! Now it'll be interesting to see how WWE will change their ending with Rollins' matches.

Saturday (9/19):

  • Met with VInce's parents to eat at Krazy Buffet. This is our first and last time to eat there. Holy crap, the food was sub par compared to Buffet@Asia. "For the price, the food's not bad," said Vince's dad. Repeatedly. We had upset stomach afterwards.
  • Walked around Downtown Summerlin for a bit before heading back home. Vince wasn't feeling well.
  • Learned that Dan's faithful pet, Sputnik, passed away. She was 15 years old.
  • It was Renee Young's birthday today! And the poor girl had to go on Instagram to rant about all the hateful comments she's been getting lately. Fucking rapid Ambrose fangirls.

Sunday (9/20):

  • Had early brunch at Hash House A Go Go with: Josh, Tanisha, and their daughter, Phoenix, Andrew, Joanna and Ren. Did a lot of catching up, including possibly setting up a Dungeons & Dragons date. It'll happen soon!
  • Went home afterwards because I had a really upset stomach. Dear lord, I used the bathroom too many times today...
  • Watched the WWE Night of Champions PPV, which I will happily do a recap in the next post. I enjoyed the PPV and it made me more than excited to watch the fallout on RAW.

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