Thursday, September 24, 2015

31st Birthday

This is how I celebrated turning 31 years old on September 22, 2015:

Vince gave me a gift, even though I said the only thing I really want for my birthday is a nice dinner together. I had a weird feeling it would be a figure and I was right when I opened it. What I didn't expect was that it would be a Dean Ambrose figure! Yay! Thankfully, it was the Elite edition, not the first figure I got from my co-worker. Even after he called me a pathetic "Tumblr girl" for buying a ticket to the Gamestop Expo just to see Dean again last month, he still got the figure for me as a gift. That's love. Or enabling an obsession. I'll go with the former. He had a nice card with a lovely message written in it.

I didn't take the day off from work, I just left an hour earlier. We went to the gym for about an hour, just to build up an appetite, and then we got ready for Trattoria Nakamura-Ya. We had some fancy pasta that was a bit pricey. We avoided getting desserts because we felt it might be like the presentation of the appetizer, where it was pricey for a small portion. Instead, we went to the Gelato Bar at China Town and played Battleship.

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And that was that. No big celebration, no partying at a club and getting Brie Mode. Just a simple, enjoyable night with Vince as I celebrate another year of getting older. All while wearing my Hello Kitty Cafe shirt, shorts, and mint-green and pink Converse :D

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