Friday, May 29, 2015

Why I like pro wrestling

So... as of late, I obviously become a very, very, very big fan of wrestling. For my sake, I'm just going to talk about how this came to be; how I went from being a casual watcher to a full fledged wrestling fan.


A decade ago (dear god, a DECADE ago), WWE Raw and Smackdown were just shows that I watched along with Vince (who was quite hesitant to admit to me that he was a wrestling fan when we started going out). He described it as a live action anime. He would give me a brief run down on who the wrestlers were, what feud they were in, and what storylines that's ongoing or what they're involved in. He and his friend, Dan, would always talk about old matches and make wrestling references that I could never follow. I would passively watched the episodes and not give it another thought after it was over because there wasn't a wrestler that stood out to me. Hulk Hogan, The Rock, and Stone Cold Steve Austin were household names but I didn't know their history and I felt I didn't have the time or patience to get to know any of the new wrestlers I was seeing. That is until I saw one wrestler; Batista.

Batista looked so different to me. He was this hulking and intimidating looking character and yet, everyone was rooting for him. The fact that he was half-Filipino somehow resonated with me since I perceived WWE wrestlers to be dominantly white or black. I didn't become a wrestling fan that instant but it made me think that maybe I should try to give wrestling a chance.

Flash forward a few years, I was watching Raw and Smackdown a bit more frequently. I was also watching ECW, which was a graphic alternative that I grew to enjoy and that I couldn't believe would be on television. The wrestlers from ECW that stood out to me at the time were Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, and Sabu. It was a different aspect of wrestling I liked; where there was very little storytelling and more hardcore looking matches.

After Batista, there wasn't any wrestlers that captivated me. I liked Randy Orton, Jericho, Edge, Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy, just to name a few. I rooted for them when they were faces and hated them when they were heels. Eventually, I was back to just passively watching the shows and growing frustrated with the storylines - namely John Cena winning at everything. I didn't have an incentive to keep watching as I used to before and Vince would read off the episode spoilers from wrestling websites. We did buy a few major PPV events to watch and we even attended a few of the Monday Night RAW events that took place at the Thomas & Mack Center, but otherwise, we were back to being casual fans. That is, until CM Punk, came into the picture.

I didn't really pay attention to CM Punk during his ECW days but when he got drafted to RAW, I got interested. Again, he looked so different from the other wrestlers; he had tattoos and piercings, his wrestling style was brutal and technical, and god damn, he was great on the mic. I actually got to like him more when he had to do commentary as he recovered from surgery. I didn't like him when was in Straight Edge Society (I didn't have the patience back then to listen to any heels give long-winded and scathing promos) but I did enjoy him being the leader of The Nexus. And then, the Pipe Bomb of 2011 happened.

Vince and I watched, stunned, as CM Punk broke the fourth wall and talked about leaving WWE for ROH or NJPW once his contract was up. He hated Cena and the Rock for being kiss asses. He hated how WWE was being run by Vince McMahon and his doofus son-in-law. Was it a shoot or work? Wait, I don't know what those terms mean! Was it real or scripted?? We couldn't stop talking about it for days! And you know what sucks? This iconic Monday Night RAW moment happened right here at the Thomas & Mack Center, a live show we decided not to go to and would rather just watch at home.

CM Punk was so enjoyable to watch, especially when he became a Paul Heyman guy. His promos were visceral and it blurred the lines between being scripted and being his honest opinion. He made outrageous demands, like bringing back WWE ice cream bars, and declared himself the best in the world. And yet, despite this attitude, Punk would never shy away from giving other guys the spotlight, especially former rival, Daniel Bryan.

Daniel Bryan was part of The Nexus, who got fired for choking Justin Roberts, and then surprisingly rehired. He was The Miz's Rookie, AJ Lee's dickish boyfriend, and one half of Team Hell No with the demon Kane. Bryan looked like an everyman; he wasn't tall or musclebound like the top wrestlers but what he lacked, he made up for it with his technical wrestling skills. He was great to watch because with other wrestlers, you see them doing the same limited move sets (like John Cena's infamous 5 Moves of Doom) but with Bryan, you get an engaging and different match each time.

Bryan took part in the most organic storytelling we've ever seen in WWE; the Authority was keeping Bryan down because they didn't see him as the face of WWE. Also, this was around the time that CM Punk quit WWE and Batista returning at the absolute worst time for a title match. Us fans were not having it. We wanted Bryan to overcome those obstacles and to be more than just the "B+ Player" that the Authority labeled him as. When he won the World Heavyweight Champsionship at Wrestlemania XXX, we all cheered for him. What made the win more satisfying for Bryan was that he turned around the "You Deserve It" chants from the and said that you - the fans - deserved it. But that high would not last long due to a personal tragedy in Bryan's life and a major injury that would put him out for a few months. He would later return and win the IC title belt from Wrestlemania Play Button (31), making him a Grand Slam champion, and relinquish his title due to another major injury.

The 3 wrestlers that got me invested in wrestling over the years have moved on. Batista is now acting in major Hollywood movies. CM Punk is training to be an MMA Fighter and writing for Marvel comics. And Daniel Bryan, despite not knowing how long he'll take to recover and wrestle again, continues to be a presence in WWE, this time as a judge on Tough Enough. So, who's left for me to follow on RAW? That spot would go to a former Shield member. Not Roman Reigns. Not Seth Rollins. It would be Dean Ambrose.

When The Shield first made their debut, I didn't know what how to react to them. They were a mysterious 3-man team that was against "injustice" but wrecked havoc. Reigns was the silent powerhouse, Rollins was the high flying "architect", and Ambrose was the mouthpiece. When he spoke, he sounded eerily calm, sinister, and villainous. However, he can also smile and have fun amidst the chaos. That's probably what I found the most fascinating about him; he's an unhinged and unpredictable character and he enjoys what he does.

After The Shield disbanded, Ambrose was in a long-running feud with the traitorous Rollins for months, while Reigns was out of the picture due to recovering from surgery. When Reigns returned, he was pushed very quickly to the top as he won the Royal Rumble and main evented Wrestlemania Play Button (31) in a World Heavyweight Championship match against Brock Lesnar (a match that should've been against the ultimate underdog, Daniel Bryan). Rollins, the Authority's golden boy, cashed in his MITB contract to win said title and defeat Reigns and Lesnar single-handedly. What about Ambrose? After his feud fizzled with Rollins, Ambrose was in midcard territory for several months. He was involved in pointless feuds, shenaningan endings, and basically lost a majority of his matches. Despite this booking, Ambrose was still being featured consistently on every Raw and Smackdown episodes, house shows, and PPVs. He just wasn't getting the star treatment as Rollins and Reigns, which Ambrose seemed to be content with. And yet whenever his theme song hits, the crowd always cheers the loudest for him.

The May 4, 2015 episode of Monday Night Raw marked Ambrose's sudden push as he defeated Rollins and was added to the main event Payback, turning the Triple Threat match with Reigns, Rollins, and Orton into a Fatal 4-Way match. It felt like a satisfying payoff for staying loyal to Ambrose. Even though he lost in Payback, he granted Rollins a rematch for the title, and is once again headlining another PPV event in Elimination Chamber. Whether he wins or loses doesn't matter; Ambrose is getting a push again.

Side note: I liked Dean Ambrose but I became a total fan girl after Vince and I did a photo with him at Wizard World Comic Con. Meeting someone you admire in person really changes everything O_O


This is what I've come to appreciate about wrestling. It's the characters and the stories told in a different medium. Sure, the writing can get pretty cheesy, some wrestlers can be gimmicky, and the outcomes are predetermined. You can even read the spoilers online before watching the matches or PPVs on TV. Regardless, good or bad, wrestling is still entertaining to watch.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"Silly fun crap": Monday Night RAW (5/25/15)

I was anticipating what Monday Night RAW was going to be like. This was going to their last live event at the Nassau Coliseum, which will be demolished pretty soon. This was their go home show before the Elimination Chamber, a house-show-turned-PPV, which suddenly got stacked in the last few days. How can they sustain the hype by another week? By being silly.

First, the Authority kicked off Raw and said that the WWE WHC title match with Ambrose and Rollins was a verbal contract that was made under duress after Ambrose threatened to hit Rollins with a chair as he laid out on the cinder blocks. They're saying that this match shouldn't even happen. Just to humor the "unstable" and "lunatic fringe" (I'm really annoyed by those labels), they wrote up a contract that will make the match official. BUT FIRST, he and Reigns have to go against Rollins and Kane to make it happen. Team Ambreigns wins but Ambrose still has until the end of the night to sign the contract. What follows afterwards was a funny backstage segment with J&J Security tricking Ambrose into thinking they had a contract for him to sign, brawling with them, and Ambrose accidentally knocking down a WWE cameraman.

Now this is where the Ambrose segments, as much as I enjoyed them, get really silly:

  • Rollins and HHH bring in said cameraman and 2 police officers to confirm Ambrose did hit him, but not before admitting that he felt he was pushed into Ambrose, which Rollins was suspiciously quick to remind the cameraman to answer the question.
  • A handcuffed Ambrose is then escorted to a large police van as Kane, J&J Security, and Rollins heckle and jeer at him. **cue Rollins laugh**
  • HHH got confirmation that Ambrose is getting booked, leaving him ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER to sign the contract by the end of the show.
  • EXCLUSIVE Youtube footage shows that another backstage crew member recorded the earlier altercation between J&J Security and Ambrose and showed that ROLLINS pushed the poor cameraman (the father of newborn triplets, by the way) unto Ambrose. EXCLUSIVE!
  • Despite this video evidence, the Authority basically said it doesn't matter because Ambrose is behind bars and Rollins' gets the night off. Reigns shows up (via ramp!) and starts wailing on Rollins but is quickly overwhelmed by him, J&J Security, and Kane. Rollins grabs the contract and yells, "What did you think was going to happen?" as the crowd cheers "WE WANT AMBROSE!"
  • Ambrose comes in, driving the very same police van he was escorted in. Oh, and he's dressed up like a police officer. Reigns can be seen laughing in the middle of the ring while the rest of the Authority looks on in shock.
  • Team Ambreigns wins again. Reigns grabs the contract for Ambrose to sign, making the match FOR REALS this Sunday.

As an Ambrose fangirl, I loved every second of it! I enjoyed his promo as he called himself the new face as the WWE Heavyweight Champ and I loved that he did his wiggle as the crowd chanted his name. As a wrestling fan, I thought this was a silly buildup right after Payback and, while Ambrose is unbelievably over right now, it further confirms that Rollins is going to retain the title this Sunday. Also, Stephanie called out Ambrose and Reigns' cute little bromance that they have going on recently, which is definitely signaling a split and/or heel turn from Reigns very soon.

The rest of Raw was uneventful and the crowd in between the Ambrose segments was quite dead. 

  • Long Island's own Zack Ryder answered Cena's U.S. Open challenge (with the cast of Entourage by his side) and he looked great despite losing.
  • Cena got a surprise Pop Up Powerbomb from Kevin Owens. And he stomped on the belt again :D
  • Lana and Rusev had a hilarious segment where he would take Lana back if she said she was sorry, which was later ruined when we were reminded that Ziggler was still involved.
  • Stardust briefly confronted Arrow star Stephen Amell in the audience before losing to Neville, which no one in commentary bothered to call out that Neville's finished is called "Red Arrow."
  • The New Day was in a 10 vs 3 match, if you can call it that, with The Ascension, Los Matadores with El Torito, Prime Time Players, Tyson Kidd & Cesaro, and Lucha Dragons that quickly ended when Woods taunted them and got jumped by all of them. Seriously, how would they all fit in the chamber??
  • Paige and Tamina had a match and it was so unwatchable. Last week's NXT Unstoppable PPV with Banks and Lynch has set the bar so high for Women's wrestling that any of the Diva's match is nearly crap in comparison.
  • Oh hey, let's get the other guys competing for the IC title in a match too. Sheamus defeated Ziggler. Ryback defeated King Barrett. Rusev defeated R-Truth.

TL;DR: I loved the Ambrose-centric RAW but it didn't do much to get me excited for the Elimination Chamber. I'll still watch it. More wiggle please!

Memorial Day Weekend

This was a pleasant weekend for us. We didn't go out of town and we didn't go to an event or convention.

We watched "Ex Machina" on Saturday.

I grabbed donuts and cronuts from Ace Donuts on Sunday.

I bought new hiking shoes (because my damn feet grew again) and we headed to Red Rock Canyon.

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As usual, these 3 day weekends always feel so short. We'll be quite busy with June; the Legend of Zelda Symphony will be in 2 weeks and Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con will be in 3 weeks.

Monday, May 18, 2015

"Mad Max: Fury Road" + WWE Payback PPV

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Vince and I watched "Mad Max: Fury Road" over the weekend. I only watched the first movie and, even though I watched videos that summed up the rest of the original Mel Gibson trilogy, I still think things escalated too quickly from being somewhat chaotic in the first movie to full blown post-Apocalypse with the third movie. No matter; I enjoyed the hell out of this movie. The best part? The title character, Max, wasn't even the main focus. The fierce Imperator Furiosa, played by Charlize Theron, was the real hero. And Nux, played by Nicholas Hoult, went from being a somewhat annoying flip-flop character to totally redeeming himself. I literally teared up in the end. Great storytelling right there. Loved it.

I only hope that they don't make sequels for it. But seeing how Hollywood is also sequel, trilogy, and franchise happy, it'll probably happen.

WWE Payback was on later that day. We missed the kick-off show (WTF on adding R-Truth and Stardust at the last minute) but we really didn't care. Quick rundown of the PPV:

  • Sheamus defeated Ziggler, who cut himself pretty had after headbutting Sheamus. BLOOD!
  • New Day defeated Cesaro & Kidd, thanks to Woods' quick thinking on taking off his jacket to look like Kingston pinning Cesaro.
  • Wyatt defeated Ryback. I'm happy that Wyatt won and Ryback actually put on a really good match but otherwise, it wasn't terribly exciting.
  • Lana threw in the towel for Rusev and translated that "HE QUITS!", thus getting Cena a clean win and retaining his title. Welcome to the midcard, Rusev!
  • Tamina and Naomi defeated the Bella Twins. Ehhh.
  • Neville defeated King Barrett via countout. Awesome match but disappointing ending. Right after Neville was declared the winner, Barrett runs in and starts beating him up. Neville did the Red Arrow but it didn't matter because the match was already over.
  • Seth Rollins retains his title after pinning Orton using HHH's pedigree.

The Fatal 4-Way was the most entertaining match of the night (next to New Day vs Cesaro and Kidd). We got a mini Shield Reunion. Reigns and Ambrose just fighting it out ("Loser buys beer?"). Neither Reigns or Ambrose turned heel and Ambrose didn't get the pin. Which means Ambrose didn't "lose" another PPV! The former Shield members all looked strong. Rollins is still trying out different finishers so he pinned Orton by using HHH's Pedigree. It was a big surprise in the end to see HHH come out to the ramp to help up Rollins. He looked like a proud dad.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


I like art. What I like about it is that there are so many styles and directions an artist can take to make a piece. Take this commission of Pikachu I paid for by my coworker. He did it as a traditional watercolor piece and in his unique style, which he had to ask if I was ok with. I said I wouldn't have asked if I didn't like the style.

When I got the completed work, he wasn't sure what to charge me and sort of lowballed the cost. I was shocked and insisted on paying more than what he asked because it's an original piece. I suggested to charge a lower price for copies but go higher for original work. He did say he was starting out after all.

I know I could've asked him to make anything but I went with something simple; Pikachu with his goggles from Super Smash Bros. I've seen Pokemon fanart all the time and it's mostly cute, glossy, and shiny. Or it can be scarily realistic. This style was loose yet recognizeable; like you know it's Pikachu without it obviously looking like Pikachu. And I said to him that it looks very cute :D

Check out his stuff. It's seriously good!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Thank you, Daniel

Daniel Bryan officially relinquished the IC belt on a semi-disappointing episode of Raw, saying that the belt should not be sitting on a chair in a physical therapist's office. He said that it belongs in the ring and that Wade Barrett, Dolph Ziggler, and Dean Ambrose should be fighting for it.

He's out indefinitely :(

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 4, 2015: The Day Ambrose Fans Collectively Lost Their Sh*t

I can't stop smiling. Last night's Monday Night RAW was the most enjoyable show I've seen in a long time.

To recap:

  • Dean Ambrose pinned Seth Rollins to get into the main event at Payback for the WWE Championship.
  • The New Day apparently celebrated for two hours straight after beating Reigns and Orton in a 3-vs-2 match. "We did it Kane!"
  • Cesaro uppercutting Victor of The Ascension nonstop for a minute at the turnbuckles.
  • Lana showing personality and Fandango'ed with Fandango.
  • Bret Hart came out and was about to introduce a great wrestler until Heath Slater interrupted. Hart bonked him with a mic and resumed to introduce NXT favorite and native son Sami Zayn to accept John Cena's open challenge.
  • Stardust won against R-Truth with a bag of plastic spiders.
  • Naomi and Tamina established themselves as the new heel Divas since the Bellas are faces again.
  • DEAN FUCKING AMBROSE closed the show.

It was just incredible to not only see Ambrose fight Rollins again but to see Ambrose do SOMETHING.Their white-hot feud was ruined by a stupid hologram at Hell In A Cell last year and his matches since then has been marred with stupid endings (like the exploding TV end with Bray Wyatt) and disappointing losses. To see him get added to a main event PPV shows that WWE is listening and pushing Ambrose again.

I'm just interested to see what Ambrose will do next. Does Ambrose still see Reigns as his brethren or competitor? Will he continue to torment Rollins again, like he did with the hot dog cart, rigging the MITB suitcase, and most famously, the ice bucket challenge? There's rumors that he'll probably turn heel, considering that he's one of 3 faces against a heel. Even though Ambrose retaliated at Orton for RKO-ing Reigns, he looked genuinely conflicted on wanting to help Reigns up. At this point, I would welcome any new development with Ambrose, just as long as it makes sense.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Free Comic Book Day + Mayweather/Pacquiao Fight

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We started off our day by watching the "Early Bird" showing of Avengers: Age of Ultron at the Santa Fe theater. The movie was great, even though we ended up nitpicking on small things at the end. It just makes it more exciting on what to expect for more of the Avengers' solo films and the major Infinity War story arc.

Afterwards, we met up with our friends at Maximum Comics nearby. I was pretty disappointed because they had such a limited selection. We only went to one of the 4 stores, so you have to check their other stores to get ALL of the free comics. I didn't get Doctor Who or Pokemon U_U

We grabbed lunch at Red Robin and went home to rest for a bit. Vince started playing P.T. and after reading so many walkthrus and posts, we finally beat the game and unlocked the trailer. This is the first and last Kojima/del Toro game collaboration we'll ever play O_O

After that, we went over to Vince's parent's place to have dinner and watch the fight. Personally, I was not excited about the fight at all because I was so turned off by the fact that every Filipino made this into a holiday. Every Filipino had a Pacquiao shirt or was happily posting, tweeting, instagramming, and blogging their TV screens before the fight. It turned out to be a boring match to watch, despite this being hyped for 5 years. I honestly couldn't tell who won the fight, although I should blame (or thank?) prowrestling to make me less interested in boxing. It was funny to see how quiet it got on social media towards the end of the match, followed by posts like "Pacquiao was the true winner" or "Mayweather kept hugging and dancing." Whatever; it's over.