Monday, April 20, 2015

Korean BBQ and Game Night

This past weekend, Andrew, Joanna, Micheal (Andrew's bro), Ren, Sean (Ren's bro), Vince, and I ate at DJK Korean BBQ for a late lunch/early dinner. We went to Andrew's parent's place afterwards to play some board games. We opted not to play One Night Ultimate Werewolf in favor of trying out games we haven't played before or haven't played in a long time.

Game #1: Last Night On Earth

Once you get over the huge learning curve, the game was actually pretty fun to play. It's Humans vs. Zombies with a mix of strategy and luck.

Game #2: Uno

Easy game that gets fun and aggressive. We had to change the house rules a bit to make it not as terrible.

Game #3: King of Tokyo

This was definitely more fun to play with other people. The learning curve was not as overwhelming as Last Night On Earth but the rules were slightly different since it had to accommodate 6 players. You can choose to play aggressively (attacking other players), conservatively (focus on healing yourself) or greedily (rolling for "energon" cubes to buy special attack cards).

It was a pleasant weekend of getting together with friends we haven't seen in a while.

Next week, Vince and I will go back into Geek Mode with Wizard Con on Saturday and Wrestling Fan Mode with Extreme Rules on Sunday.

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