Wednesday, April 29, 2015

No Regrats

A video posted by sheila antonio (@sajcfan) on

After much debating, Vince pulled the trigger and bought a PS4. He said he was close to walking out of Frys without one but once he grabbed it, he didn't look back. He also got a copy of Bloodborne.

This means we had to do some rearranging with the systems that we're not using. I had to put away the old PS3 (the big fat one that wheezes loudly when it gets turned on) as well as Vince's Wii. The slim PS3 was moved into our bedroom. I joked that we had to get a PS4 so we can download P.T., the demo of the now cancelled game collaboration with Hideo Kojima (who we still don't know if he's been fired or left Konami) and Guillermo del Toro (which makes this his 2nd game to get cancelled), and starring Norman Reedus .

So about Bloodborne...

We get it now! #Bloodborne is a hard game! :O

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Monday, April 27, 2015

Becoming a fangirl

CONTEXT: Many months ago, I bought tickets for Vince and I to go to Wizard World Las Vegas Con 2015. I also bought a photo op with WWE Diva Paige because I know Vince LOVES her. I got an email 2 weeks before the event mentioning that Paige cancelled. She was replaced with another WWE Superstar... DEAN AMBROSE. Needless to say, I was super excited because he's currently my favorite wrestler and Vince was pretty bummed out about not being able to see her (she was pulled to shoot a movie).

Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns were the first photo ops on Saturday. When we were waiting in line, Vince and I observed that Reigns line was full of big families and a lot of older women. Ambrose's line was full of smaller families, guys, and young women. When we got closer to his area and I got to see him past the curtain, I thought, "Wow, he's really tall." Then when it was finally our turn to pose next to him, I went into fangirl mode; I was all giddy and smiling. Vince said, "Good luck tomorrow on Extreme Rules" and he replied cooly, "Thanks, man. Appreciate it." All I could muster was, "Yeah... good luck." 

In under a minute, I went from liking Ambrose to falling stupidly in love with him. 

I kept taking out our print and smiling at it, completely ignoring that Vince was in the picture too. To be fair, Vince said he didn't like how he looked in the pic and asked to be cropped or edited out. After that, I was debating on whether or not I wanted to pay again for an autographed 8x10 from him and wait in line. We ended up walking around some more and swinging by the celebrity area to catch a glimpse of them.

So now I'm obsessed with Dean Ambrose.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Wizard World Las Vegas Con 2015

Wizard World Las Vegas Con was great!
Actually, seeing the celebrities and artists was great. The exhibitor booths and artist alley was all right but it pales in comparison to Wonder Con. 
I’m stuck in fan girl mode after seeing Dean Ambrose up close. He’s so… cool. I was speechless. **swoons**

Monday, April 20, 2015

Korean BBQ and Game Night

This past weekend, Andrew, Joanna, Micheal (Andrew's bro), Ren, Sean (Ren's bro), Vince, and I ate at DJK Korean BBQ for a late lunch/early dinner. We went to Andrew's parent's place afterwards to play some board games. We opted not to play One Night Ultimate Werewolf in favor of trying out games we haven't played before or haven't played in a long time.

Game #1: Last Night On Earth

Once you get over the huge learning curve, the game was actually pretty fun to play. It's Humans vs. Zombies with a mix of strategy and luck.

Game #2: Uno

Easy game that gets fun and aggressive. We had to change the house rules a bit to make it not as terrible.

Game #3: King of Tokyo

This was definitely more fun to play with other people. The learning curve was not as overwhelming as Last Night On Earth but the rules were slightly different since it had to accommodate 6 players. You can choose to play aggressively (attacking other players), conservatively (focus on healing yourself) or greedily (rolling for "energon" cubes to buy special attack cards).

It was a pleasant weekend of getting together with friends we haven't seen in a while.

Next week, Vince and I will go back into Geek Mode with Wizard Con on Saturday and Wrestling Fan Mode with Extreme Rules on Sunday.

Birthday Boy

We celebrated Vince's (belated) Birthday at Fogo de Chao with his parents. This is what happened when his dad tried to take a pic afterwards:

A video posted by sheila antonio (@sajcfan) on

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

California/Wonder Con Weekend Recap

Took a half day at work. Grabbed lunch at Tropical Smoothie and got on the road at 3 pm. I drove until we got to Lenwood to get gas. Vince drove the rest of the way. Got a bit lost because they split the freeway but we still got to Dan and Corinne’s place on time. We ate at Souplantation (aka Sweet Tomatoes) for dinner. Played Smash Bros, Last of Us, and GTA V before going to bed.
Saturday (WONDER CON!)
Woke up early and grabbed a big breakfast at Bagels and Brew. We got to Anaheim in half an hour. We parked at the Toy Story parking lot, which was right across from the Convention Center, and just ate half of our breakfast in the car before heading in at 10 AM. Went around artist alley and the exhibit floor. Went back to the car to drop off stuff. Did the same thing. Met Jonathan and Lauren (cousin and friend, respectively, of our friend, Joel). Went back to the car to drop off stuff and grabbed our food to eat inside. Met Jeff (another one of Joel’s friends). One last round, we just walked around and went back to the car. I decided that I wanted beignets so we walked to Downtown Disney… which was a like a 20-minute walk (sorry Vincie). We chilled at Downtown Disney for a bit and dreaded that we had to walk all the way back. We saw that there was a shuttle that was heading back to the parking lot so we happily jumped on. We drove back home and played more games. Dan prepared dinner (which was suppose to be saved for tomorrow because I was hungry). 
(Easter) Sunday
Slept in a bit… We went to Laguna Hills mall, which was a large mall that has been mostly abandoned but frequented by senior citizens. We went to Mitsuwa and Kinokuniya at Costa Mesa to get some snacks and stuff from the book store. Then we went to Cost Plus World Market (they sell Spotted Dick :D) and ended our day with Lollicup. Went home to play more games while Dan and Corinne prepared a German-ish dinner. Played Shrieks and Creaks, which was a very old board game. We ended the night by watching Red Letter Media “Best of the Worst” video.
We had a day off. We weren’t able to see Dan since he left really early for work but we did see Corinne and thanked her. We grabbed breakfast at Lyfe Kitchen at Irvine Spectrum Center, which is a gigantic outdoor mall near their place. We walked around for a bit and then went to Costco to get cheap gas before going on the road. Vince drove until we got to Lenwood and then I drove the rest of the way. We were back in Vegas around 4:00. We came home to a thankfully vomit-free and pee-free living room and hugged the kitties. We grabbed an early dinner at Lima Limon, a Peruvian restaurant. We ended our night by watching Monday Night Raw and the podcast with Chris Jericho and John Cena.
That was pretty much it. Sadly, this might be our last Wonder Con since it was reported that Wonder Con was moving to LA in 2016. It was still a great experience and relaxing mini-vacation. 
We’re going to Wizard Con in 2 weeks!

Friday, April 3, 2015

It just hit me that I'm getting old

So... a little over 2 years ago, I talked about how I found my old Pete Yorn CDs (his first 3 albums) and remarked at how I've been listening to him for over a decade. Turn of The Century

I need to make a correction. I've been listening to him for 15 years.

Also, he's 40 years old O_O