Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Well, technically we're not doing anything on Halloween tonight (we're working) but we did get to dress up for an early Halloween party from this past weekend. He hanged out with the Teruel family the whole day and went to a costume party later on the evening. It was incredibly last minute but Vince dressed up as Dipper from Gravity Falls, which we know will become a household name like Phineas & Ferb one day.... SOON! Our friends Joel and Pam also brought lil Marceline to her first Halloween Party but we hanged out in the lower den area so it was quieter for her. We spent the rest of the night playing a new form of Uno with a confusing mod card.

I had to take off the hat and the wig 2 hours later. It was giving me a huge headache x_x This was probably the first time - in a long time - that I got to dress up AND have fun for Halloween :)

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