Friday, July 15, 2016

WWE Draft?

Let me state upfront that I don't know how the drafts - or any sports drafts for that matter - works. I don't understand the value of having a first, second, or third round pick. From what understand so far, being a #1 draft pick is a big fucking deal, being in the top 5 picks is all right, and anything after #10 means you're not that important. Going by that limited comprehension, it would seem obvious for the WWE Draft that Dean Ambrose should be the first pick. He's the WWE Champion after all. Or will he still be a champion before the draft happens this Tuesday?

WWE used the above image on his Facebook page, not his current image where he's holding the WWE Championship title. And they have been teasing non-stop that there could be a title change on RAW to help hype up Smack Down when it goes live. I'm really not liking the idea of having Ambrose's title reign cut short for storyline sakes and ultimately affecting the Shield Triple Threat main event for Battleground. If it means that Ambrose can somehow win and be the first new champion of the highly rumored second WWE Championship belt being made for Smack Down, then fine, I'll be happy to see that.

It still sucks to see that all the hard work Ambrose has done since becoming a champ last month will be undervalued for his first title defense. At the very least, let him be a champ until Summerslam. I actually don't want Rollins to get the title back so quickly because he already had a long run with it, and that's not including the additional time he was out for his injury and recovery. And Reigns should be kept far away from the title scene. He's the top guy that got suspended for a wellness violation, he should not have a top spot like Ambrose and Rollins upon his return.

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