Monday, July 6, 2015

Calm down, Tumblr!

I originally created a Tumblr for as another fun way to microblog on what Vince and I do, while Blogger remained as my primary personal blog for my lengthy and not-so-coherent posts. After getting a few notes for some posts relating to WWE, I made a note on Tumblr that this is not a wrestling reaction blog and that I will try really hard to refrain from mentioning such things. Of course, I broke that when I noted that the last WWE Live show in Vegas this year updated their talent appearances to include Dean Ambrose (dammit!) and when I noted that suddenly got new Dean Ambrose shirt designs. I didn't even add any tags to it but it still showed up.

For the most part, I didn't understand how anyone would get addicted to Tumblr, until I discovered what "tag lurking" was. It was the quickest way to browse anything in Tumblr related to your search. In my case, looking up "#deanambrose" and "#dean ambrose" yielded VERY weird results for me, ranging from Ambrose/Reigns and Ambrose/Bella shippers (yikes), to NSFW imagine blogs (YIKES), and this one blog that absolutely resents the beautiful Renee Young for not being open about dating Dean Ambrose (Well, she's not; Renee Paquette is dating Jonathan Good). Tumblr was pretty much a condensed search result engine and I found myself checking it on a daily basis, like Reddit.

Today, I got to truly see what makes Tumblr (and Twitter) enjoyable; the collective live reaction when something is revealed, and how quickly it gets picked up.

I laughed at the "OMG HOLY SHIT FINALLY!!1!1!" reactions from different Tumblr accounts because I felt the same way. Last August, Ambrose took time off for about a month to film the movie after being curbstomped by Seth Rollins (this was the Vegas show Vince and I went to) and there has been virtually little to no updates on it since then. When Ambrose stole the police paddy wagon back in May, it seemed to have reignited the discussion reminded the fangirls that there was still no "Lockdown" news and the fans were even bugging the actors and director on Twitter for updates. This was such a big surprise.

I haven't seen such a huge reaction to a WWE movie headlined by one of its own Superstars since John Cena starred in the first "12 Rounds" and "The Marine." Randy Orton was in the "12 Rounds" sequel and I didn't hear anything about it either. I've only seen excerpts of "The Marine" when it aired on FX years ago and even back then, Vince and I were just shitting on how predictable the movie was. WWE movies seem to border on either being passable or cheesy bad, and that's if it's being viewed with really low expectations, so I'll have to wait and see what the consensus is on this before watching it myself.

In the meantime, I'm just going to smile like a dork for a whole week since WWE is also featuring Ambrose as their first Superstar for their Body Series this Thursday. This monthly series consists of studio quality pics and a short video of a featured WWE Diva/Superstar working out. Natalya, Paige, and Eva Marie were the first Divas to be featured. So... There will be pics and video of Ambrose... Working out.

**fangirl mode activated**

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