Monday, June 22, 2015

"You know what we need? More Dean Ambrose shirts!"

After the Money in The Bank PPV and during Monday Night RAW and Smack Down!, Dean Ambrose was seen wearing his wife beater shirts again instead of his "DA" muscle shirt that he's been wearing for the last few months. That was his third shirt from The first being the ugly "UNSTABLE" text on white and the second being "Dean Unstable Ambrose" as a parental advisory label on black (which is a callback to his indy and FCW designs that read "Explicit Mox/Ambrose Violence"). Anyways, I actually wondered if he was going to be getting a new shirt design. He could've simply chosen not to wear it that week.

And then Sunday night, suddenly updated their new product listing. Not only did Ambrose get a new shirt design, he got 5 new shirt designs released all at once! And a (badly photoshopped) header image!

A photo posted by sheila antonio (@sajcfan) on

This is BIG deal. Kevin Owens had 3 new shirts released when he signed on the main roster. And Samoa Joe was immediately signed to WWE after they saw how his one and only shirt sold out online on the night of his NXT debut. I remember reading last year that had record breaking sales over Thanksgiving weekend and that their best-selling item was a Dean Ambrose hoodie. The fact that WWE went and released several new designs for one wrestler WWE Superstar is again, a very big deal. Seth Rollins, the WWE Heavyweight Champion, hasn't had a new shirt released since winning Wrestlemania and his current design is just a rehash of his first "SR" design. Meanwhile, Roman Reigns got another shirt design with a catchphrase he never says (i.e. "One Versus All." "Hit Hard. Hit Often." "I Bring The Fight.") but it still sells well. Either Ambrose is getting another big push or they're just trying to gauge how much money they can make from Ambrose again. He was so much fun to watch during his Bourbon Street instagram tour and he was the poster boy for the Money In the Bank PPV.

Part of me wants to impulsively pre-order one of the new Ambrose shirt designs but what's stopping me is the fact that none of the designs look good to me. I waited a while before buying the "DA" shirt because I liked that more than the "Dean Unstable Ambrose" design. I don't like either of the "Ambrose Stole My Heart/Title" designs because it looks boring. The two "Ambrose Asylum" designs, especially where it just features his crazy eyes and "Unhinged And On The Fringe" on the back, are freaking awful. The "Dirty Deeds" is the only unique looking shirt that isn't black but I'm still not interested in getting it.

Now I'm wondering which shirt would Ambrose would wear tonight O_O


Looks like I got my answer. Ambrose was seen wearing the "Ambrose Asylum" design with the "Unhinged And On The Fringe" (ugh) back design in the dark match after Monday Night RAW. He didn't wear it during his match with Kane. I'm a bit sad that he didn't have a backstage segment like he did last week so it looks like he'll be midcarding for a while.

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