Today, Gustaff was officially diagnosed with Giardia. What is Giardia? It's a parasite infection and it's pretty bad for dogs, especially for puppies. How did Gustaff get Giardia? Carelessness. This is what happened.
On Sunday, after Vince's mom flaked on us, we drove around with Gustaff. We decided to stop by and visit Josh and Tanisha since it's been a long while since we last hanged out with each other and they wanted to see Gustaff. They have 2 dogs that are currently staying at their dad's place since Tanisha is taking care of their second child. We hanged out in the backyard, and I was deathly scared for Gustaff to be around there. Josh said the previous owner of their house had a German Shepherd, who used the backyard as his bathroom and the owner didn't really pick up after him. Josh joked that he would find old dog poop showing up once in a while. Gustaff found and ate said piece of old dog poop. We didn't get to him in time and he ate most of it. I was worried, I should've been panicking because Gustaff just ate old buried poop in the dirt, but I thought maybe it won't be that bad. He was eating and drinking normally the rest of the day. And his poop was still solid. It'll pass out of his system. Puppies eat poop. It's normal.
I was fucking wrong.
Tuesday morning, I checked up on him and his crate was full of poop and diarrhea. We had to throw away the crate bed and his toy. Vince gave Gustaff a shower immediately and I wiped and sanitized his crate. We decided right there to take him to our vet, which was unfortunately on the other side of town where we used to live. I took a sample of his poop to bring in and we brought his papers with us since Gustaff is a new patient. Gustaff continued to have diarrhea with streaks of blood in there. We met a new vet, Dr. Wallace, and he prescribed to us 2 Metrodynozale tablets to give to Gustaff. He said he would call us with the results the next morning. That one visit cost us $120+. And Gustaff still had another appointment this weekend for his shots.
I'm seriously devastated for Gustaff. I mean it's easy to blame Josh for not cleaning up his yard of all the old poop but we're also to blame for not stopping Gustaff from eating it. Now Gustaff is sick and we have to monitor him. Vince is working from home again to keep a close eye on him. And I'm waiting for a call from the animal hospital to let us know when his meds are ready to pick up.
I'm so sorry Gustaff. We're gonna help you get better, buddy.